Workshops and Speeches

You are interested in better communications, smarter branding, greater leveraging of your strengths and assets – you need someone to help train your team.


Every company and organization has a raison d’etre, and every leader must provide inspiration and opportunity for achieving that mission. But sometimes it takes a sympathetic outsider to refocus the team on its mission and to reenergize its leaders and managers.  Whether you need a refresher course on powerful communication, a hot seat consultation on improving your effectiveness, a tutorial on publishing, or a toolkit on media strategies, a fresh voice is often the best tipping point.

As a regular speaker at conferences, seminars and workshops, and as a frequent guest on radio, tv and print interviews, I love to share what I know and what I’ve learned.  I am passionate about mobilizing fellow business leaders, fellow communicators, and fellow patriots. Please refer to my list of speech topics, or contact me to discuss a customized presentation or training session for your team.